How to Improve Radon Test Results

Hey Readers,

Occasionally, I’ll take a look at the types of internet searches that bring folks to this page. I’ve recently noticed some people who found via a search similar to the title of today’s post. ‘How do I improve a radon test?’

My first thought was one of shock. On the surface it appears someone may be looking for ways to make their radon levels test better than they actually are. Continue reading

Q. Problem With My Water Heater’s Location?

Q. Hey Mark,
I’m in the process of buying a house and just had a home inspection done. One item that the home inspector itemized in the report is the water heater in the garage. He said that it shouldn’t be installed on the floor of the garage. Where else could it be installed? I don’t get it. Every place we’ve lived before had a water heater sitting on the floor.

A. Hey Dorothy,
This is a great question. It sounds like the issue wasn’t explained thoroughly by your inspector. Actually, the problem isn’t that the water heater is on the floor, nor is the problem that the water heater is in the garage. The problem is that the water heater is in the garage AND on the floor.

Here’s why: Continue reading

Q. Sources of Radon Gas?

Q. Hey Mark,
I’ve heard two different things about radon gas from two different inspectors. One inspector said that radon comes from soil. The other said that it can be brought into the home through other things. Which is right?

A. Hey Kathy,

Both inspectors are correct, you just didn’t get a complete explanation from either of their comments. Radon is produced from the natural decay of uranium/radium in the earth’s crust and that decay ultimately produces radon gas and other dangerous decay products. The gas can then work its way through the soil and get trapped in our homes. Continue reading